About the Author

Haustiere und Menschen started in "April" of 2014.  I loosely use the month of April because the first publication didn't come until months later.  This blog is about the life and travels of two American expats during their life abroad in Germany.  Enjoy our story.

An interview for you conducted by me:

1)  What is your favorite color?

Stupid question, next.

2)  For a blog titled for pets and people, where are all the pet pictures?

Touché.  I figured stories of traveling throughout Europe (and not Europe) are far more interesting than an inundation of dog pictures.  Also, the title was based on my two favorite German words when I started learning the language.  Haustiere is literally house animal, and Menschen is the plural of another great word - Mensch.

3)  Are  you a travel expert?

Ha!  Sure, a travel expert and a self-proclaimed expert walker.  Equally ridiculous titles.

4)  Is the German internet really that bad?

At this point, I don't know if my tolerance has increased or the speeds have become modem-grade quality.  I think it's more the former than the latter (Note: This is in reference satellite-based providers (our only options), not Kabel Deutschland).

5)  How do you feel Hayden Christensen did with his portrayal of Anakin Skywalker?

Awful, like the questions you are asking.

6)  What's your favorite dinosaur?

Finally, a relevant question.  All of them.

7)  Jägerschnitzel or Jägermeister?

It seems as though there are limits on how much of each is tolerable, but schnitzel every time.

8)  What is the best city you have traveled to so far?

Budapest. Honorable mentions, Bruges, Amsterdam, and Marrakech.

9)  Where is the worst place you have traveled?

Mosel Hot Air Balloon festival.  It was located just outside of Trier and was a good time like any festival.  However, when it came to the fox chase, all 66 teams unloaded their balloons and baskets - only to have the event called off.  The weather made a turn for the worst and the hour-long anticipation reached its climax - everyone walked back to their cars in the pouring rain.

10)  Which dog is your favorite?

Trick question, I love them equally.  Plus, if I said otherwise - I would be relegated to sleeping in our tree house.  I am appalled by the audacity of your question.  And yes, we have a tree house.

11)  Have you seen a German Shepard?  

Yes, I have also seen French fries in France and Belgian waffles in Belgium.  My day went on as usual.

12)  What is the worst part of German living?

I am perplexed with the "energy efficient"  washer/dryer unit we have.  How is anything that takes five hours to run considered efficient in any manner?  If the machine runs all day, maybe two loads of ~8 shirts can be washed and dried.  Of course, not to mention, but really mention, the internet.

13)  What is it like to drive on the autobahn?

14)  What are your thoughts on apparitions?

Besides their lack of existence?  Well, if they did indeed exist, they are complete jerks.  Most hauntings deal with shifting objects, unexplained noises, or lights that mysteriously flicker and burn out.  They're a ghost, can't they do anything better with their eternal time?  For example, why don't they go anywhere in the world they want had they not had the opportunity while living.  After all, ghosts are supposedly "supernatural," implying a superiority to us natural people - and we normies can already travel the globe and space.  Therefore, being content with spooking people using menial inconveniences is an a-hole move by a "being"  that transcends our natural existence.

15)  An inundation of dog pictures sounds fantastic, how about it? 

Meet Haustiere und Menschen's chief editors,  Duffy and Bella.

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